Hydro Power Plant

Visa Energy has been developing and creating new ways hydropower’s are built to enable sustainable, climate resilient, low cost hydro power projects.

We build and sell Hydro Power Equipment, Hydropower Turbines, which make projects cheaper to permit and build

We build and sell Hydro Power Equipment, Hydropower Turbines, which make projects cheaper to permit and build

We build and sell Hydro Power Equipment, Hydropower Turbines, which make projects cheaper to permit and build
Turbines Products

Visa Energy works with our partners to design, engineer, and manufacture turbines and related equipment for hydroelectric power projects utilizing turbines with installed capacity ranging from 30 kW to 30+ MW. These turbines include the full line of conventional Kaplan, Francis and Pelton turbines as well as the company’s proprietary TM Modular Micro turbine.
The Kaplan turbine, which was invented in the Czech Republic in 1912, comes in a variety of configurations and is best suited for low head, high flow sites. Visa Energy and their partners Kaplan designs include PIT, S, Z, Bulb and Vertical, have runner diameters of up to 5.5 meters and are suitable for sites with heads from 1.5 to 35 meters (5 to 115 feet) and flows from 1.2 to 200 cms (45 to 7060 cfs). The majority of Visa Energy and their partners projects over the past 20 years have been Kaplan turbines, making One of the leading supplier of turbines for very low heads.


The Francis turbine, invented in Lowell, MA in 1848, remains the most commonly used turbine in the world today. Visa Energy and their partners uses Francis turbines with installed power of up to 30 MW, have either a horizontal or vertical orientation and can be used across a wide application range for medium heads. They are designed for heads from 15 to 300 meters (50 to 1000 feet) and flows of 0.5 to 35 cms (18 to 1240 cfs). We mills our Francis runners from a single block of forged steel to ensure high runner quality.
The Pelton turbine was invented in 1878 during the California gold rush and is an impulse turbine designed for sites with high head and lower flow rates. Visa Energy and their partners uses Pelton turbines which can be either vertical or horizontal and have installed power of up to 30 MW. With installations in North America, Europe and Africa, Visa Energy and their partners uses Pelton turbines which are designed for sites with flows of 0.1 to 10 cms (4 to 353 cfs) and heads from 50 to 1000 meters (165 to 3300 feet) per unit.

TM Modular Micro

Visa Energy and their partners TM Modular Micro turbines come as complete packages, including all electrical, mechanical and control components needed for turnkey operation. These turbines are designed for sites with heads up to 6 meters (20 feet), can be installed on existing weir structures and do not require a powerhouse. The TM comes in four sizes and installed power ranges from 5 kW to 160 kW.

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