Lightweight 1” and 1½” Pumps designed to be portable & effective. Flows to 200 lpm & maximum heads of up to 60 metres. They use lightweight, high speed, top quality Japanese engines to provide exceptional efficiency right through the performance range.
- Water transfer
- Diesel fuel transfer
- Mop up / fire fighting pumps
- Irrigation
- Spraying

Fire Fighting Pumps

Fire Fighting Pumps are regarded as the world’s finest lightweight portable high pressure pumps. Designed to outperform and out-feature all other portable fire fighting pumps, the Visa Energy Fire Chief is the flagship of the Visa Energy range. This range of 2” and 3” fire fighting pumps has flows to 510 lpm and heads to 98 metres.
- Fire fighting pumps, mop up & fire protection
- High pressure water transfer
- Spray irrigation
- Diesel fuel transfer
- High pressure spraying
- Boom spraying
- Wash down
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Gushers Transfer Pumps
Gushers (Transfer Pumps) are available in a range of sizes from 1½” to 6″ inlet/outlet. Designed to be ultra reliable, these pumps have applications in the transfer of high volumes of liquid at relatively low pressures. Flows of up to 2900 lpm, (QP601) with heads of up to 33 metres.
- High volume water transfer
- Fast fill tanker applications
- Flood irrigation
- Fast fill tanker applications
- Flood irrigation
View diesel drive spec sheet (pdf – 279KB)spares

Trash Pumps

Rugged trash pumps in 2”, 3” and 4” with flows to 1800 lpm, heads to 27 metres and suction lift to 7.6 metres. Pumps feature a big front mounted cleanout port and high SG, cast iron, non clog style, open impeller and volute system designed to pump solids in suspension and resist wear.
- Fire fighting pumps including village Protection
- Fast fill tanker applications
- High pressure water transfer
- Wash and flush stock crate cleanout
- Tanker batter spray
- Construction site dust suppression
View diesel drive spec sheet (pdf – 181KB) spares
High Pressure Transfer Pumps
3” and 4” pumps with high pressure, high flow characteristics. Pumps offer flows of up to 1,500 lpm & heads of up to 70 metres. Computer generated hydraulic design delivers superb fuel efficient performance through big single closed style impellers capable of handling small solids in suspension.
- Construction site dewatering
- Waste water handling
- Effluent pump out
- Livestock waste water disposal
- Solid laden mine waste pump out
View diesel drive spec sheet (pdf – 211KB)spares

QP 6” Trash Pump

Engineered to meet the requirements of professional contractors, rugged and dependable, these diesel powered trash pumps are ideal for de-watering applications with high solid content. Trailer mounted to give the convenience of mobility, pump can be moved anywhere on site. Huge 3,850 litres per minute flow with and a maximum head of 27 metres or 39 psi. Self priming from a depth of 7.6m
- De-watering of construction sites
- Tailing dam pump out
- Public works duties
- Slurry pumping
- Flood mitigation
- Mine/dewatering operations
MQ 6″ Skid Mounted Trash Pump
Engineered to meet the requirements of professional contractors, rugged and dependable, these diesel powered trash pumps are ideal for de-watering applications with high solid content. Huge 41,50 litres per minute flow with and a maximum head of 30 metres or 43 psi. Self priming from a depth of 7.6m
- De-watering of construction sites
- Tailing dam pump out
- Public works duties
- Slurry pumping
- Flood mitigation
- Mine/dewatering operations

MQ 6” Trash Pump

This rugged diesel powered 6” trailer mounted trash pump is loaded with features. Huge 6000 litres per minute flow with 6 inch suction and discharge ports, highest head in it’s class of 46 metres and a maximum pressure of 64.9 psi. Capable of self priming from 7.6m, it is powered by a reliable 60HP Deutz air cooled, four cylinder diesel engine with electric start.
- De-watering
- Tailing dam pump out
- Public works
- Slurry pumping
Fire Busters
Fire Busters are “slip on” fire fighting control units designed to be self contained fire fighting units with the ability to also draw water from an external source if required. All Visa Energy Fire Buster control units feature the Visa Energy Fire Chief fire fighting pump with five year pump end warranty. Available with a choice of Honda petrol drive or Yanmar or Kubota diesel drive.
- Fire fighting pumps including village Protection
- Fast fill tanker applications
- High pressure water transfer
- Wash and flush stock crate cleanout
- Tanker batter spray
- Construction site dust suppression

Poly Pumps

Poly 2” and 3” Self Priming Centrifugal Pumps manufactured from 30% glass filled polyester. S Series Visa Energy poly pumps offer flows to 1010 litres per minute and heads as high as 37 metres. Suction lift is 6.6 metres.
This unique product range is available in a wide range of configurations including;
- Honda petrol engine drive
- Yanmar diesel engine drive
- 2 or 4 pole, single phase or three phase electric motor drive
- Hydraulic motor drive
- Bare shaft
- Agricultural chemical transfer
- Diesel fuel transfer
- Brine or salt water pumping
- Marine salvage
- Marine fire fighting
- High volume water transfer
- Aquaculture
chemical compatibility chart [pdf – 2.38MB] spares

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