Company Profile
Over the last 20 Years, in order to provide our customers and the end users with the highest standards of quality and reliability, VISA ENERGY adheres to today’s manufacturing standards including ISO 9001 Certification.
Our modern Manufacturing and Storage facilities utilize the most advanced and high tech machinery in the industry to manufacture the VISA ENERGY ELECTRICITY GENERATORS. With an empowered, highly educated work force and attention to detail, we are able to manufacture generator sets of the highest Quality in a timely fashion and at reasonable price.
Our facility provides VISA ENERGY Network of Dealers the ability to customize a generator set for the end user. To render better service our dealers, VISA ENERGY keeps good inventory and also stocks finished Generators line ready for customers delivery up to 2000kW. Our in-stock product line includes the most common options built into the generator set including batteries, block heater, battery charger, and mainline circuit breaker. We also go the extra mile by stocking installation accessories such as fuel tanks, trailers, transfer switches, and parts to render better service our dealers.
VISA ENERGY Generator Sets are the epitome of reliable mechanical and electrical performance. The VISA ENERGY Industrial Series Generator set is a fully integrated power generation system providing optimum performance with the reliability and versatility of Cummins, Deutz, John Deere, Lister Petter, Mitsubishi, MTU, Perkins and Volvo Industrial Diesel and Gas Engines.
VISA ENERGY provides a comprehensive factory and extended warranty program fully supported by the VISA ENERGY Network of Dealers in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North and South America and across the globe and our Industrial Engines and Alternators Manufacturers
Why you need to buy your Electricity Diesel Generators from VISA ENERGY?
Our Main Values :
Quality :
A VISA ENERGY ELECTRICITY DIESEL GENERATOR is built with the most highest quality components. Our generators are built with the highest quality diesel engines in the world. These include Cummins, Deutz, John Deere, Lister Petter, Mitsubishi, MTU, Perkins and Volvo. Further, our generator ends are also of the highest quality, including Marathon, Stamford-Newage and Leroy Sommer generator ends. We back all of our generators with a full 1 year warranty and offer extended warranties if required.
Availibility :
VISA ENERGY maintains high level diesel generators stock. With an average supply of stock of diesel generators, VISA ENERGY has the ability to ship faster than others and competitors. VISA ENERGY keeps the stock of Generators needed by our customers. In addition to our stock of diesel generators, we stock large numbers of AMF, ATS and Electrical Components, fuel tanks, trailers and a full line of accessories for all power needs, available for immediate shipment.
Service :
VISA ENERGY technical team has a combined 325 years in the diesel generator industry. We have a network of service team and dealers to service and install your diesel generator anywhere, anytime. We can service your diesel generator through our network and by internet communication. We support our diesel generator anywhere it is located in the world.

Visa Energy - Diesel Generators | Gas Generators | Marine Generators
Visa Energy GB Ltd strives to undertake our business fairly with honesty and transparency. This must be reflected in every aspect of our business affairs.